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Our Community Support Services have moved! The program has a new space at the Center for Non-Profits in Rogers, which will open many new opportunities for our clients. To learn more about the move, we caught up with Amy Palmer, Director of Community Support.

Q: What are you and the community support staff most excited about with this new space?

A: The ability to provide services in an adult-conducive environment, while also allowing independence with cooking, crafting, and socialization amongst peers of similar abilities. The Center for Non-Profits provides resources our clients can utilize on an ongoing basis. The space allows our clients to physically distance while enjoying activities of their choice.

Q: Will you be able to take on more clients?

A: At some point, yes. For now, we are focusing our efforts in developing safe group activities and offering activities for individuals unable to leave their home due to the current pandemic.

Q: What is one thing you will miss about being inside the Sunshine School building every day?

A: Witnessing the miracles of Sunshine School’s therapists and teachers. We will definitely miss the children and eating lunch with coworkers.

Q: If someone would like to come to see the new space, how can they?

A: Email me at and we can set up a time!


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