At Sunshine School, we have many organizations & individuals that support our families each day. Donations, sponsorships, and volunteering allows us to give resources to our staff, students, and families. We can continue to provide high quality services to our community. Outdoor Cap has been one of our long-time supporters since 1993.

Over the years, the organization has sponsored many Sunshine School events, while providing items for event auctions and volunteers to create pieces of art with our students. In addition, Outdoor Cap has donated meals for our staff, mulch for our playgrounds, and other supplies for our classrooms. With the impact of COVID-19 on the Sunshine School and the community, Outdoor Cap supported our in-center safety measures by providing caps with face shields to help stop the spread of the virus in our facilities.

“The teachers and staff at Sunshine School have a special place in their heart for the kids they serve on a daily basis,” Outdoor Cap Founder, Paul Mahan said. “We are privileged to have them in Northwest Arkansas, and we enthusiastically support their efforts to make our community a better place.”
Sunshine School would not be where it is today without partners such as Outdoor Cap. With their generous support, we can enhance the Sunshine School experience for our staff, students, and families each day.
