Digital visits focused on family well-being.
Sunshine School Parent Educators from our Parents As Teachers (PAT) program are continuing their parent visits digitally. These visits focus on three areas of emphasis: parent child interaction, development centered parenting, and family well-being. We know this may be a scary time for the families and children we serve and hope to provide them with the support and comfort they are looking for as they adjust to the demands of this challenging time.
Our team of three Parent Educators are helping families outside of visits by answering emails from families, responding to text messages, and by connecting via phone call to make sure that no family feels alone. They are using the PAT curriculum, as well as, finding new helpful activities or articles to give families resources on parenting, education, and child development.
The Parent Educators focus on the whole family’s well-being. They aim to walk alongside each family unit so they can not only survive this pandemic, but can hopefully emerge from this period with more resources and confidence to ensure their family thrives in the future.
