classroom by the school sign outside
ABC staff
ABC student and teacher
classroom by the school sign outside
Arkansas Better Chance
Sunshine School & Development Center is proud to offer the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) program. This is a state-funded program created to offer high-quality, early education services to preschool-age children who exhibit developmental and/or socioeconomic risk factors. Sunshine School acts as a high-quality provider in the ABC program and has for over 30 years. We currently have 3 ABC classrooms and 41 spots in our ABC program. We provide all students in the program with an exemplary preschool experience. We excel in meeting the diverse needs of individual students in a positive and safe environment while preparing them for academic success, productive citizenship and life-long learning. Vision and hearing screenings are performed annually by an audiologist and nursing staff. Developmental screenings are done in the first 45 days after the student begins so our staff can ensure your child has everything they need to succeed.
Sunshine School’s ABC program highlights:
A 3-star rating from Better Beginnings, Arkansas Division of Early Childhood Care.
30 spots in the ABC program for children in the 3-5-year-old classrooms and 11 toddlers in the 2-3-year-old classrooms. Ages are based on the child's age on August 1st.
Vision and hearing screenings are performed annually by nursing staff.
Developmental screenings are done in the first 45 days of beginning the program.
Follows traditional school year calendar.
2 staff to 11 students in the toddler classrooms.
2 staff to 15 students in the preschool classrooms.
All ABC Staff are required to have a minimum of Childhood Development Associate (CDA) credential and 30 hours of professional development training each year. Some positions require higher levels of education.
For more information on our ABC program contact Leticia Marquez.